Manuscripts are listed alphabetically by sigla (largely those used in the STC), with an entry usually together with shelf mark; number of folios or pages; date of transcription of the Elizabethan verse; contents; modern editions or facsimiles; references to scholarship on the manuscript; number of poems; and the primary-line index number of each poem in the doc. Over four hundred pages are devoted to the dictionary itself, with entries ranging from a few lines to 4 pages; masking people, works, colleges, movements, and extra; and crossing international and linguistic borders. But while Spencer did first introduce the phrase “survival of the fittest” in 1864, he always vigorously denied this interpretation of his works, arguing that the natural course of social evolution is towards better altruism, and that the nice performed by charity and giving assist to the much less lucky, so long as achieved with out coercion and in such a approach as to foster independence reasonably than dependence, outweighs any harm performed by saving the much less match. 1-4. Since some entries are based mostly on inquiries to libraries and collectors, bibliographies, different reference works, and booksellers’ and public sale catalogs rather than personal examination by the compiler, descriptions differ in fullness and accuracy. Are they sharing their earnings?
Eleven indexes (a few of which are subdivided): English poets; fictional names and matters; historical individuals and events; literary kinds (genres and forms); poems set to music; rhyme schemes and verse varieties; scribes and house owners; topics; subscriptions (i.e., a name, phrase, or pseudonym affixed to a poem); titles; and translations. Two indexes (1475-1500; 1501-58); each have headings for refrains, verse kinds, poets, authors translated, literary varieties and topics, and titles; that for 1501-58 provides headings for burdens, rhyme schemes, historical persons and events, religious subjects, and translations and adaptations (by language). Each chronological record is followed by a primary-line index, whose entries cite, when appropriate, Brown-Robbins-Cutler quantity, first line, writer, title of poem, date of composition if totally different from publication date, total number of traces and verse form (as well as variety of stresses or syllables per line, burdens, and refrains), revised STC number of the edition(s) printing the poem and its location in the primary edition of every e-book, and genre and subject classifications.
89-101; for the value of the works to editors, see May, “Queen Elizabeth’s ‘Future Foes’: Editing Manuscripts with the first-Line Index of Elizabethan Verse (a Future Friend),” New Ways of Taking a look at Old Texts, III: Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society, 1997-2001, ed. Although the search interface is unsophisticated, Union First Line Index helpfully brings together information from a number of in-house and printed resources. When will nearly all of political pundits (which is what Bill Nye sadly has turn out to be) and so many political activists generally be taught that telling everyone they’re idiots in the event that they hold an opposing viewpoint, do not toe the line and/or don’t already believe exactly what they’re being told to consider just isn’t going to win anyone over or change anyone’s mind? A single line in this first work hinted at such a conclusion: “gentle will be thrown on the origin of man and his history.” When writing The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication in 1866, Darwin meant to incorporate a chapter together with people in his principle, but the ebook grew to become too massive and he decided to jot down a separate “quick essay” on ape ancestry, sexual choice and human expression, which became The Descent of Man.
Elizabethan Poetry covers verse printed or transcribed (including drama-with prologues, epilogues, and songs entered individually- in addition to “a sampling of epitaphs from contemporary funeral monuments, poems from Elizabethan paintings, and one couplet from a wall painting”) between 1559 and 1603 (although several works had been composed well earlier than 1559 and plenty of poems written throughout the period weren’t printed till after 1603). Coverage of printed verse is, understandably, much more full than that in manuscript. Pt. 1 covers the interval 1700-20 in chapters on the background of the age, Defoe to 1710, Swift to 1709, essayists and controversialists, poetry, and Pope to 1725; pt. A set of 30 essays that handle the “literary and cultural production” of the lengthy eighteenth century and that each exemplify and evaluate new approaches to the literature of the interval. Entries in the first-line index cite assortment and shelf mark, date of transcription, location of the poem throughout the manuscript or printed e-book, title or other identification of the poem (including writer when identified), number of lines in the copy, verse kind, stanza kind, rhyme scheme, verse measure, burden or refrain, other manuscript copies, references to standard bibliographies (together with Brown-Robbins-Cutler number), and topic and genre classes beneath which the poem is indexed.