Works reviewed are organized alphabetically by writer, then chronologically by date of publication, adopted by evaluations listed alphabetically by periodical title. Forster, Antonia. Index to Book Reviews in England, 1749-1774. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1990. 307 pp. Juliet woke up, reached over, and patted the mattress. Oxford: Clarendon-Oxford UP, 1976. 525 pp. Literary Reviews in British Periodicals, 1789-1797: A Bibliography: With a Supplementary List of General (Non-evaluate) Articles on Literary Subjects. Annotated bibliographies of editions and research of prose fiction in English (together with translations) revealed between 1660 and 1740. The 3,138 entries (by 1995 in 1660-1700, by means of 1997 or 1999-depending on the section-in 1700-1740) are organized in sections for bibliographies (including far too many works solely tangentially associated to the subject), anthologies, basic studies, and particular person authors. The English Novel, 1770-1829: A Bibliographical Survey of Prose Fiction Published in the British Isles. Based on the precise examination of at the very least one copy of extant works and boasting an admirably full account of scope and organization, English Novel, 1770-1829 is a useful and reliable information to six decades of English fiction.
A typical entry contains creator, complete title, imprint, pagination, format, worth, location of at the least one copy, translator and authentic title (for translations), miscellaneous notes, and a chronological checklist of subsequent editions through 1739. Dubious or unauthenticated titles occupy a separate section at the again. 100 periodicals by authors, editors, publishers, printers, booksellers, genre, worth, and frequency of publication. The approximately 2,100 entries are organized alphabetically in seven divisions: bibliographies and bibliographical studies; corantos, newsbooks, and newsletters; general studies; works on individual newspapers and periodicals, editors, authors, publishers, towns, and counties (classified by newspaper, editor, and so forth.); subjects; newspapers and periodicals in Europe (categorised by nation); newspapers and periodicals in North America (labeled by country, then province or state). 2. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1946. 233 pp. A bibliography of opinions of books published between 1789 and 1797 by British and American literary authors. Although the work is badly dated, its protection of pre-1941 scholarship on serials printed before 1789 remains unsuperseded.
Ward, Index and Finding List of Serials Published in the British Isles, 1789-1832 (M2535). Raven, James. British Fiction, 1750-1770: A Chronological Check-list of Prose Fiction Printed in Britain and Ireland. Ed. Peter Garside, James Raven, and Rainer Schöwerling. James E. Tierney is compiling A Digital Index to British Periodicals, 1660-1800, which will allow searches of the contents of c. Numerous additions and corrections are printed in Edward W. R. Pitcher, Discoveries in Periodicals, 1720-1820: Facts and Fictions (Lewiston: Mellen, 2000; Studies in British and Amer. Entries for authors embody sections for main works, editions, bibliographies, and criticism (for a lot of authors in 1700-1740 this section contains quite a few research that don’t have any bearing on prose fiction); coverage for some writers (reminiscent of Behn, Bunyan, and Defoe) supplements present bibliographies, and protection for international writers is appropriately limited to discussions of English translations. With full and informative annotations (though some are commentary and others, summary) and only a few studies listed as unseen, English Novel, 1660-1700 and 1700-1740 supply the most current, thorough guide to scholarship on fiction of the interval. Letellier, Robert Ignatius. The English Novel, 1660-1700: An Annotated Bibliography. The English Novel, 1700-1740: An Annotated Bibliography. 140-47.) Andrew Block, The English Novel, 1740-1850: A listing Including Prose Romances, Short Stories, and Translations of Foreign Fiction, rev. ed.
English Novel, 1770-1829 supersedes the two existing, but completely inadequate, bibliographies covering late-eighteenth-century fiction. An archive of rekeyed texts of 96 English-language works of fiction printed within the British Isles between 1700 and 1780. First editions were chosen for inclusion, however some extensively revised works are current in two variations. HBO Max would merge “subsequent Summer”, with the unified service launching first within the United States, and rolled out to other markets starting in late-2023. Jordan and Gina spherical out Pride with a followup to our Bi Bi Bi episode from 2018. We hear from Divinity (@officiallydivinity) who identifies as bisexual, gray ace, and aromantic and how these labels coalesce for her. Piechowski, Joe (July 10, 2018). “Former UCLA Basketball Player Billy Knight Found Dead in Phoenix”. A typical entry cites title, place and date of publication, format, worth, bookseller, location of copy examined, and critiques. Although restricted to critiques of literary works in forty three periodicals, the Index is a useful supply for locating opinions and learning the vital reception of belles lettres during the latter half of the eighteenth century. Here’s how it works. 647. Entries determine the periodical, number of components (and approximate number of words), and, when possible, writer or translator, reprints, source, different titles, and associated works.