Schröder, Daniel; Kirn, Lukas; Kinigadner, Julia; Loder, Allister; Blum, Philipp; Xu, Yihan; Lienkamp, Markus: Ending the myth of mobility at zero costs: An external price analysis. Schirmer, Miriam; Nolasco, Isaac Misael Olguín; Mosca, Edoardo; Xu, Shanshan; Pfeffer, Jürgen: Uncovering Trauma in Genocide Tribunals. Schirmer, Miriam; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Hilbert, Sven: Talking About Torture: A Novel Approach to the Mixed Methods Analysis of Genocide-Related Witness Statements within the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Raković, Mladen; Iqbal, Sehrish; Li, Tongguang; Fan, Yizhou; Singh, Shaveen; Surendrannair, Surya; Kilgour, Jonathan; van der Graaf, Joep; Lim, Lyn; Molenaar, Inge; Bannert, Maria; Moore, Johanna; Gašević, Dragan: Harnessing the potential of hint knowledge and linguistic analysis to predict learner efficiency in a multi-textual content writing process. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2023, 1-20 extra… Research in Transportation Economics 97, 2023, 101246 more… Ryghaug, Marianne; Subotički, Ivana; Smeds, Emilia; von Wirth, Timo; Scherrer, Aline; Foulds, Chris; Robison, Rosie; Bertolini, Luca; Beyazit İnce, Eda; Brand, Ralf; Cohen-Blankshtain, Galit; Dijk, Marc; Pedersen, Marlene Freudendal; Gössling, Stephan; Guzik, Robert; Kivimaa, Paula; Klöckner, Christian; Nikolova, Hristina Lazarova; Lis, Aleksandra; Marquet, Oriol; Milakis, Dimitris; Mladenović, Milos; Mom, Gijs; Mullen, Caroline; Ortar, Nathalie; Paola, Pucci; Oliveira, Catarina Sales; Schwanen, Tim; Tuvikene, Tauri; Wentland, Alexander: A Social Sciences and Humanities research agenda for transport and mobility in Europe: key themes and 100 research questions.
There were in 1920 over 300 “family social work societies,” as in contrast with a hundred at first of the century. The poet Ennius (ca. 239-169 BC) declared that “exposing naked our bodies among citizens is the beginning of public disgrace (flagitium),” a sentiment echoed by Cicero that once more links the self-containment of the body with citizenship. Scientists have not teased out all of the effects (indeed, memory, like so many different brain processes, is without doubt one of the least understood functions of the human body), but research suggests that main or ongoing stress and the high levels of glucocorticoids that accompany it have detrimental results on an area of the mind called the hippocampus. Grande’s new tune, a collaboration with pal Victoria Monét known as Monopoly, claimed the number one spot on the iTunes chart 24 hours after its launch. Republished with permission from The Naughty Spot. Reith, Sabrina; & Bannert, Maria: Training teachers to promote self-regulated studying with digital media within the classroom. Reith, Sabrina; Bannert, Maria: Training teachers to promote self-regulated studying with digital media within the classroom.
Rakovic, Mladen; Iqbal, Sehrish; Li, Tongguang; Fan, Yizhou; Singh, Shaveen; Surendrannair, Surya; Kilgour, Jonathan; van der Graaf, Joep; Lim, Lyn; Molenaar, Inge; Bannert, Maria; Moore, Johanna; & Gašević, Dragan: Understanding and supporting writing processes with hint knowledge. Sarhan, Habiba and Hegelich, Simonn: Understanding and evaluating harms of AI-generated picture captions in political photographs. Rong, Yao; Qian, Peizhu; Unhelkar, Vaibhav; Kasneci, Enkelejda: I-CEE: Tailoring Explanations of Image Classification Models to User Expertise. Range refers to how many doable outcomes may end result from any specific person motion. It was already a saying in Chinese that “One hand can’t clap.” I discover this used several occasions in the popular Ming Dynasty novel, the Journey to the West, (“Record of the Western Journey”), all the time to express the concept that some motion is inconceivable. If you discover one, that seemingly means the site cannot be trusted, even when the disclaimer is worded confusingly. I certainly know how complicated I discover it when my spouse wears a kind of. We don’t give any money back assure to win the trust of the patients because we know that we are solely doctors, not God. 1976. Under each fiction author are sections, when acceptable, itemizing novels, quick fiction, collections, biographical studies and criticism, and evaluations (by work reviewed).
Furthermore, the outcomes point out interpersonal targets for future work aimed at promoting optimistic id growth and decreased internalized heterosexism for sexual minority youth. It is pointless so as to add that this growth checked the event of the civil capabilities. Prummer, Katharina; Graham, Marien; Human-Vogel, Salomé; Pittich, Daniel: Does mentoring enhance VET leaders’ emotional intelligence and subjective nicely-being? Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: TVET managers’ perceptions of mentoring in a blended-studying in-service program. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 2023 more… Mentoring als zentrales Element der Lehrkräftebildung: Forschungs- und Professionalisierungsansätze, 2023 extra… Cambridge University Press, 2023 more… In: The Cambridge Handbook of European Monetary, Economic and Financial Integration. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2023, 2023 extra… Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ACM, 2023 more… Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2023 extra… Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the training Sciences – ICLS 2023, International Society of the educational Sciences, 2023 extra… 10. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), 2023 extra… Rechl, F., Gadinger, L., Heinze, L. & Wittmann, E.: Reflexive Ansätze zur digitalen Transformation in der beruflichen Lehrkräftebildung: Das Projekt [email protected].