Works are listed chronologically by yr of first publication; underneath annually are sections for authentic works and translations, every organized alphabetically by author or title of anonymous work. Nonreview articles are divided among five appendixes: (A) general articles on contemporary authors and works; (B, which consists of 5 separate lists) volumes of general and style criticism reviewed, common criticism, and articles on poetry, fiction, and drama and theater; (C) opinions of studies of contemporary authors and their works; (D) critiques of books and articles dealing with chosen authors earlier than 1789 (with separate sections for Shakespeare, Milton, Pope, and Johnson); (E) opinions of operas and musical dramas. Literary Reviews in British Periodicals, 1789-1797: A Bibliography: With a Supplementary List of General (Non-evaluation) Articles on Literary Subjects. A Check List of Prose Fiction Published in England, 1740-1749. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia for the Bibliog. The English Novel, 1770-1829: A Bibliographical Survey of Prose Fiction Published in the British Isles. A checklist of editions of prose fiction-unique works, reprints, and translations extant in addition to misplaced-printed within the British Isles and Ireland between 1750 and 1770. Although emphasizing the novel, British Fiction contains representative examples of imaginary voyages, fictional biographies, and miscellanies; it excludes jestbooks, children’s books, chapbooks, stories of crimes, and serial and magazine fiction.
An archive of rekeyed texts of 96 English-language works of fiction printed within the British Isles between 1700 and 1780. First editions were selected for inclusion, however some extensively revised works are present in two versions. Less selective but provisionally full via only 1971 is Dan J. McNutt, The Eighteenth-Century Gothic Novel: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism and Selected Texts (New York: Garland, 1975; 330 pp.). The English Novel, 1700-1740: An Annotated Bibliography. The choice coverage may very well be clearer and transcriptions extra accurate, however McBurney is the usual bibliography for identifying and locating works, establishing the fictional setting of a novel, and charting developments in fiction (although the final two tasks are made tough because subsequent editions are usually not cross-referenced to years of publication and since periodical fiction and reprints of pre-1700 works are excluded). English Novel, 1770-1829 supersedes the 2 present, however absolutely insufficient, bibliographies overlaying late-eighteenth-century fiction. Continued by Nineteenth-Century Fiction (M2663). Although limited to a decade, Check List of Prose Fiction is an correct supply for figuring out works by topic or type, locating copies, and learning the setting of a few of the main novels of the century. When Toys “R” Us announced this spring-after saying it had been struggling due to falling start charges-that it can be shutting down, some observers mordantly remarked that it could possibly be added to the list of things that Millennials had destroyed.
A typical entry consists of author, full title, imprint, pagination, format, value, location of not less than one copy, translator and authentic title (for translations), miscellaneous notes, and a chronological listing of subsequent editions through 1739. Dubious or unauthenticated titles occupy a separate section at the again. Entries (that are organized chronologically by date in imprint, then alphabetically by title of anonymous work after which writer) report full title and imprint, details of authorship attribution, format, value, references to contemporary evaluations, locations of copies, name number of copy consulted, and notes (together with details of subscription lists, dedications, commercials, excerpts from opinions, and bibliographical matters; the notes are much more extensive in vol. A typical entry consists of writer, title, imprint, number of pages or volumes, format, price, references to evaluations and customary bibliographies, notes on authorship, other editions, cross-references, and locations in selected British and American libraries. Raven, James. British Fiction, 1750-1770: A Chronological Check-checklist of Prose Fiction Printed in Britain and Ireland. A bibliography of fictional prose narratives by English writers or translators first printed in England between 1700 and 1739. McBurney omits reprints of earlier fiction, chapbooks, jestbooks, pamphlets, and periodical fiction.
Annotated bibliographies of editions and research of prose fiction in English (including translations) revealed between 1660 and 1740. The 3,138 entries (through 1995 in 1660-1700, by way of 1997 or 1999-relying on the part-in 1700-1740) are organized in sections for bibliographies (together with far too many works solely tangentially related to the topic), anthologies, general studies, and individual authors. Although not exhaustive, Mayo is the indispensable pioneering information to fiction beforehand ignored in histories and bibliographies. For 1660-1740, Letellier’s two volumes supersede Jerry C. Beasley, English Fiction, 1660-1800: A Guide to Information Sources (Detroit: Gale, 1978; 313 pp.; Amer. Salzman, English Prose Fiction, 1558-1700 (M2090). Several works in sections L: Genres and M: English Literature/General/Genres are helpful for analysis in Restoration and eighteenth-century English literature. Some works in sections L: Genres and Q: American Literature/General/Genres are helpful for analysis in African American literature. A bibliography of opinions of books revealed between 1789 and 1797 by British and American literary authors. Indexed by authors (excluding those who seem as a heading in the fourth division). The police introduced a thirteen- or fourteen-yr-old girl to be examined who claimed she had left residence as a result of her brother had raped her 3 times. Desperate (pun not intended) to maintain filming, the manufacturing crew relocated to her house and restaged it to match Bree Van de Kamp’s house on Wisteria Lane.